Cold process soap making is by far the best technique for soap making. Why? You have the ability to choose your oils, fats and butters. This ability allows you to control & master the seven soap qualities for your specific soap outcome.
Number one, You are the commander in chief over which oils, fats and butters to use in the soap batch. You manage the specific percentage amounts of each oil, fat and butter for qualities such as a highly moisturizing soap or a hard soap that will last a long time.
Number two, You have the ability to personalize the scent of your soap by using essential oils alone or in combinations. Create your own personal favorite scent or a medicinal scent. The choice is yours.
Number three, Ability to govern the exfoliation level of your soap. There are several levels of exfoliation in your soap. Smooth - No exfoliation used. Mild - The use of clay's. Medium - Use of whole grains. Heavy - Adding sands or volcanic rock. Do you like smooth or abrasive?
Number four, Create a visually appealing soap bar. Add colorants, make swirls or layer colors in your soap. There are many techniques to accomplish this.
If you were like me, I had dry skin with annoying itchiness at times. I never really thought about the soap I purchased from the store or what the ingredients included. The reality was that conventional soaps were causing the dry itchiness that I was experiencing. So, once I decided to make my own soap (using the cold-process technique). I solved the chronic dry skin issue by using better ingredients in my personalized soap!
Feeling trapped by your everyday soap? Yes It's true we are creatures of habit. It takes about a month of effort to rewire your brain to break one habit and replace it with a better habit. If your everyday soap isn't giving you the love you deserve, maybe it's time to ditch the conventional soap and make your own!
The Cold Process Soap Making technique allows you the most control over your soap making creations. You can create amazing soaps! We will guide you through each step on your journey.
With the proper instructions anyone who has the desire to make soap will succeed. There is a little Math, a little Chemistry and of course your own Creativity is needed.
New to soap making? Learn the basics by purchasing our Soap Making E-Course. (Coming Soon)
Follow along and you’ll know what needs to be done at each step and why. Look at the Soap Making Process often to get familiar with the entire process from start to finish. Here is a quick preview below.
1. Start with the end in mind first. What do you want your soaps to do for you?
Are you more interested in “sight”, “smell” or “touch”?
You may be interested in making a soap that satisfies all three senses.
Think about the qualities and attributes you want your soaps to have. Do you want a harder bar? How about a soap that lasts longer? What about it’s ability to moisturize your skin.
It can be very rewarding to create a soap that has achieved the results that you were looking for! In this picture we have several bars of activated charcoal soap. The creative options are many, but the choice is up to you.
2. Next, How much soap do you want to make? Think about your batch size.
3. Calculate the recipe on paper first. Check and re-check your calculations.
4. Acquire and/or purchase the Equipment, Supplies, Tools, and Safety Gear needed for soap making. Some of these items you may already have at home.
5. Gather up all ingredients for the recipe.
6. Accurately measure and weigh out your ingredients on a scale.
7. The mixing step. Follow this very carefully as each ingredient needs to be mixed at the precise time in order for the batch to come out properly. When the soap mixture goes to trace then you can add essential oils, fragrances, herbs or abrasives at this time.
8. Pour your soap substance (when it has the consistency of pudding) into the soap box mold. You’ll want to do this quickly before the soap gets too thick and cements. After pouring you must cover the soap box with a lid and insulate the box.
9. Cleanup step. Either cleanup now or wait 24 hrs. Here's why...
10. After 24 hours, Cut the soaps into your desired bar size.
11. Allow to cure for a 4 to 6 week period.
12. Test your soaps. Did the soap come out like you wanted? If not then start the process over again adjusting where you see the need for improvement.