Eucalyptus Soap Recipe

The Eucalyptus Soap Recipe includes one essential oil.  That would be Eucalyptus! 

This essential oil will give your soap a wonderful scent but also the added bonus of the antiseptic properties, skin conditioning and bug repelling abilities.

Eucalyptus is also helpful for the respiratory system and helps to relax sore muscles. It has been known to help increase blood flow and circulation.

Eucalyptus is one of my favorite essential oils.  It makes an aromatic soap bar.

Eucalyptus Soap Recipe:

1. OILS. To make this soap we used a combination 4 oils & fats for their beneficial soap properties. Here is the list of the oils. Included are the percentage amounts and the weight in ounces.

a. Lard - - - - - - - - - - -50%………….…10.0 oz.

b. Coconut Oil- - - - - - 20%………….….4.0 oz.

c. Olive Oil - - - - - - - -18%………….….3.6 oz.

d. Hemp Seed Oil - - - -12%……………..2.4 oz.

Total of 4 Oils     =     100%        =         20.0 oz.

2. LYE AMOUNT = 2.93 oz.

3. H20 AMOUNT  = 6.83 oz.


a. Eucalyptus Essential Oil (3 % of total oil amount). Amount added at trace = 0.6 oz.

Eucalyptus Soap Recipe by the numbers

The Eucalyptus Soap Recipe uses 4 oils and fats. They are: Lard, Coconut Oil, Olive Oil and Hemp Seed Oil.  From this combination of oils and fats we can calculate our soap attribute numbers from the Soap-Calc.

1. Hardness of ( 41 ).

2. Cleansing Capabilities at ( 14 ).

3. Conditioning Qualities are at ( 54 ).

4. Bubbly number is ( 14 ).

5. Creamy number is ( 27 ).

6. Iodine is at ( 65 ).

7. The INS number is at ( 145 ).

So what do all these numbers mean? Well, with these numbers we can compare our soap recipe numbers with the optimal range numbers from the Soap-Calc.

Compare your recipe to optimal range numbers

So here’s how our soap recipe fits into each of the ranges.

1 Hardness. Best range is between (29 – 54). The higher the number the harder the soap bar will be. Our hardness number was ( 41 ) which is within range.  This recipe will yield a normal soap bar hardness.

2. Cleansing. Best range is between (12 – 22). The lower the number the more mild the soap. Our cleansing number is ( 14 ) which will give us a mild soap bar.

3. Conditioning. Best range is between (44 – 69). The higher the number the more soothing and softening to your skin. Our number is ( 54 ) which is in the range. This bar of soap will have the normal amount of soothing and softening capabilities.

4. Bubbly. Best range is between (14 – 46). Higher numbers in this category equate to more bubbly lather. Our Bubbly number is ( 14 ). This is within range.  There will be a lower amount of bubbly lather than average for this soap bar. 

5. Creamy. The best range is between (16 – 48). The higher the number the more lather you will have. Our Creamy number is ( 27 ) which means this soap will have about the normal amount of creamy lather.

6. Iodine. The range here is anything (under 70). If your number is below “70” the soap will not go rancid. Our number is ( 65 ) which means this soap will not go rancid.

7. INS. The best range here is between (136 – 165). The lower the number the more moisturizing the soap will be to your skin. We have the number ( 145 ). This is in the center of the range.  This soap will have normal moisturizing abilities.